Matt B.P., Director of Freedom in the Cross Ministries, is a former Co-host of CrossEyed Radio on WDCX (99.5 FM) and a current bible teacher at a new Christian fellowship (which hasn't yet been named) in Western New York. Matt graduated from Pittsburg State University in 2006 with a degree in Justice Studies. After college, Matt served as a commissioned officer in the United States Army for eight years, serving as a Company Commander, Battalion Communications Officer, Battalion Operations Officer, Company Executive Officer, and Platoon Leader. In 2009, Matt deployed to Iraq. Matt was also privileged to serve on airborne duty during his first four years in the Army.
In 2014, Matt left active duty and moved to Western New York to attend law school and live near his wife's family. Matt obtained his Juris Doctor, cum laude, from the University of Buffalo School of Law in 2017 and became a licensed attorney in January 2018.
On May 8, 2016, at the end of his second year of law school, Matt had encounter with the Word of Truth (a.k.a. the Gospel) that changed his life. Though he had come to faith in Christ in 2005, it was not until 2016 that Matt learned how, through the power of the Gospel, to walk in freedom from sin by resting in the finished work of the cross. Learning to walk in the Spirit through faith in the finished work of the cross radically changed Matt's life. After being addicted to pornography since the time he started college, including eleven years as a born again Christian, Matt finally found the freedom for which he had been searching. Since that day on May 8th, Matt has been walking in total freedom from pornography for nearly four years. Finding freedom from pornography addiction, however, was just the tip of the iceberg. Alcohol abuse, gambling, worldly living, and uncontrollable anger are all works of the flesh that Matt has found freedom from through Christ. He does not consider himself to be perfect by any means, but he has learned, after eleven years of not knowing the answer, how to walk in a place where sin has no dominion over him and he is free to be conformed, by grace alone through faith alone, into the image of Christ. You can read more about his testimony here or watch a video of his testimony here.
After graduating from law school, following the direction of the Lord, Matt turned down a job at a law firm and instead took a job working for the United States Army Reserve as a military technician. For the next year-and-a-half, while working at his job in the Army Reserve, Matt continued to look for a legal job and even completed about ninety-percent of the work to start his own practice. In February 2019, however, the Lord told Matt to lay his law career down at the cross and be separated to the Gospel. It was at that time that the Lord gave him the vision for Freedom in the Cross Ministries.
Matt is a lucky husband, proud father of three children, and, in addition to managing Freedom in the Cross Ministries, continues to work full-time. He is also a Major in the Army Reserve. In his spare time, Matt enjoys spending time with his family, rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs, and occasionally playing golf. Matt's passion for life is to know Christ and help others to know Christ through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel. Matt's favorite Bible verse is Colossians 2:6, which is the verse God used to show him what it means to walk in the Spirit and thereby walk in freedom from the dominion of the sin nature.
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